Our Shareholder

We are committed to delivering a focused, well engineered business to our valued shareholder

Transnet is committed to delivering a focused, well engineered business to our valued shareholder. In addition to this, a firm emphasis is placed on communicating the Group’s turnaround strategy and financial performance.

Transnet is committed to complying with sound principles of corporate governance and vigilant risk management focus. Furthermore, the Group takes its statutory and regulatory obligations to accurately and appropriately inform the shareholder on the business of the Group seriously.

Update on State Owned Companies (SOCs)

The DPE Restructuring Programme is key in:

Ensuring wider active participation in the South African economy

Freeing resources for spending on social services and infrastructure

Unlocking Private Sector investment so that consumers can benefit from lower prices and higher quality services brought by expanded competition

Enhancing dynamism and competitiveness to improve the efficiency of SOCs

Encouraging Foreign Direct Investment in South Africa thereby enabling SOCs to access globally competitive technology

The DPE is the representative of the Sole Shareholder (Government) of state owned companies in South Africa.