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Transnet Foundation


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The Education | Programmes

Our programmes under this portfolio seek to implement projects that focus on:

Systemic interventions in improving school subject performance

Access to early childhood development interventions

Curated teacher development initiatives for improved teaching and learner outcomes

The design of our programmes considers the following:

Bursary programmes for orphaned youth.

Creating access to space for Early Childhood Development Centres.

Capacity building for ECD centre practitioners.

Recruitment and training of post-matric and graduates as ECD centre practitioners.

Support e-Learning by establishing ICT centres and Science laboratories.

Support improved teaching and learning through Teacher Development programs.

Improve performance in Maths and Science subjects.

Extending support to learner access to tertiary education through ring-fenced bursaries for designated beneficiary schools around Transnet-operations linked communities.

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Orphaned Youth Programme

Transnet Foundation provides bursaries to orphaned youth across the country who study in different tertiary institutions, both public and private.

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Science Laboratories

Transnet Foundation rolls out science laboratories in disadvantaged school within its hot spot to enhance learner’s learning in science.

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Early Childhood Development Centres

Transnet Foundation donates learning material and equipment to beneficiary Early Childhood Development centres.

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ICT Centres

Transnet Foundation rolls out ICT centres in disadvantaged schools within its hot spot areas to support learner’s access to technology.

The Education | Programme Focus Areas

Improve Quality ECD Teaching, Learning and Partnerships

Development of a model to recruit ECD centre practitioners for training to improve the quality of ECD services.

Recruit post-matric and graduates to be trained as ECD practitioners.

Explore strategic partnerships and collaborations to implement ECD infrastructure in communities most in need.

Education Infrastructure and Subject Performance

Seeking partnership and engagement with relevant schools to implement subject and literacy performance/improvement programmes.

Continuing with the building and allocation of ICT Centres and Science Labs – this is done in tandem with a need to improve community partnerships to reduce school vandalism and obtain community investment in the local schools.

Teacher Training and Development

The implementation of effective subject performance initiatives within the designated schools will require an investment in teacher training to:

Improve the quality of teaching

Strengthen learner/teacher contact time

Provide continuous professional development of teachers and ensure consistent quality of teaching is available across the schools