Transnet Freight Rail

Our Business Operating Model

Our Business Operating Model

We operate a vertically integrated and commercially separated business. We are operationally integrated with other businesses within Transnet SOC including Transnet Ports, Port Terminals, Pipelines and Rail Engineering. We are made up of a system of complementary sub-systems that are integrated and connected through our Operating Corridors.

Our Operating Corridors are logical units of accountability that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone – the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. We have deployed a decentralized operational model to enhance efficiency and responsiveness in our rail freight network in order to serve the South African economy more effectively and efficiently.

The following are the salient features of our operating model:


Key operational responsibilities and decision-making is vested within each operational Corridor management structures to enhance agility in performance and service delivery as well effective accountability and client service experience.


Each corridor has its own management executive responsible for operational performance and volume growth.


The new structure aims to streamline operations, reduce bureaucracy and improve customer satisfaction.

Market Share

Retention and growth of market share particularly in general freight whilst maintaining strong presence in heavy haul commodities like coal, iron ore and manganese.