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Transnet Freight Rail

New Business

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New Business

As part of our quest to be a part of our customers’ success and to ensure a pleasurable experience for new ventures, we have created a dedicated capacity to handle all new business.

The role of our new Business Development Team, located within our Commercial Department is to service, facilitate and handhold new service requests or “greenfield” projects as a single point of contact for our new customers.

This is a team of specialists who will assess the customer’s needs and facilitate the process of designing service offerings that best meet their requirements.


Access to Our Common User Facilities and Hubs

New Customers will be required to provide confirmation of stockpiles, availability, and capacity at loading and off-loading sites to ascertain readiness for rail service. BD will collaborate with TFR Real Estate Management to assist new customers with access to rail infrastructure. The objective is to optimize utilization of all TFR assets through the establishment of Common User Facilities and Hubs.


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Our Offerings

Mega Rail is our fixed train plan. This service is structured on a fixed schedule. This schedule does not change unless the customer makes a schedule change request.

For the change to be effective, the customer should give us a 1 month notice and that we should agree to the change request at least 1 month prior to commencement of a quarter.

Transportation will be on fixed days and times set out or to be set out in a schedule.

This category of transport requires customers to guarantee, for the duration of the contract with us, their quarterly tonnage to be transported consistent with their quarterly forecast.

Mega Rail is structured on a “take or pay” basis in terms of which the customer agrees to pays the railage prices, charges and additional costs for the rail space allocation made available to them even when they do not take up the space.

We will make available sufficient rail wagons to transport the Volume of Goods for the relevant quarter. We require customers to provide annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly.

The rail wagons will be made available to the customer at the dates and times agreed for Transport on the routes as set out to be set out in a schedule.


Our Offerings

Flexi Rail, Access Rail, and Dual Route

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Flexi Rail

Flexi Rail is our “on-demand service”.

In this service offering, we endeavor (but without obligation) to provide transport to the customer based on available capacity. We will endeavor to make available to the customer the number of rail wagons required according to the customer’s request.

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Access Rail

Access Rail is our “ad hoc service”.

We shall endeavour (without obligation) capacity to provide rail wagons on an ad hoc basis to customers for the transportation of their goods as and when we have available capacity.

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Dual Route

Dual Route is a service where availability of rail wagons is contingent upon the loading by either another party, the customer’s consignee, or a new consigner (referred to collectively as the new consigner) of the customer’s rail wagon to be positioned at the customer’s designated location.